1: "Look for vibrant colors and avoid any signs of blemishes or bruises. Mangoes should give slightly to gentle pressure when ripe."

2: "Choose bananas that are firm with no soft spots. Green bananas can ripen at home, while yellow bananas are ready to eat."

3: "Smell the mango for a sweet aroma at the stem end. Bananas should have a subtle, sweet scent to indicate ripeness."

4: "Check for firmness and weight when selecting mangoes. The heavier the mango, the juicier and sweeter it will be."

5: "Look for bananas without any mold or unusual spots. A slight green tinge at the tips is normal and means they are ripe."

6: "Consider the variety of mangoes available, such as Alphonso or Ataulfo, each with unique flavor profiles. Bananas vary in sweetness and size."

7: "Ask vendors or store employees for recommendations on the best mango and banana varieties. They can offer helpful insights on ripeness and taste."

8: "Inspect the skin of the mango for wrinkles or discoloration, which can indicate overripeness. Bananas should be plump with no visible bruising."

9: "Remember to enjoy your fresh mango and bananas within a few days of purchase for optimal flavor and texture. Store in a cool, dry place."