Pindo Palm Jelly Recipe: A Taste of the Tropics

Have you ever heard of Pindo Palm Jelly Recipe? If not, you’re in for a treat! This unique and delicious jelly is made from the fruit of the Pindo palm, also known as the Jelly palm. It’s a tropical delight that’s perfect for spreading on toast, adding to desserts, or even using as a glaze for meats. In this article, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about making Pindo palm jelly at home, from sourcing the fruit to the step-by-step recipe. Let’s get started on this tropical adventure!

What is a Pindo Palm?

The Pindo palm (Butia capitata), also known as the Jelly palm, is a small to medium-sized palm tree native to South America. It’s often grown for ornamental purposes, but it’s the fruit that really steals the show. Pindo palms produce small, yellow-orange fruits that are sweet, tart, and slightly fibrous. These fruits are perfect for making jelly, as they have a high pectin content, which helps the jelly set naturally.

Why Make Pindo Palm Jelly?

Pindo palm jelly isn’t just delicious; it’s also a fantastic way to use up an abundance of Pindo palm fruit if you have a tree nearby. This jelly is packed with flavor, offering a unique combination of sweet and tart that’s hard to resist. Plus, making your own jelly at home is a rewarding process that lets you control the ingredients and customize the flavor to your liking.

Ingredients You’ll Need

Before you start, gather the following ingredients:

  • 4 cups Pindo palm fruit (cleaned and de-seeded)
  • 4 cups water
  • 4 cups sugar
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 package (1.75 ounces) powdered pectin

Step-by-Step Recipe

1. Prepare the Fruit

First, you’ll need to clean and de-seed the Pindo palm fruit. This can be a bit tedious, but it’s essential for making the jelly. Rinse the fruit thoroughly under cold water to remove any dirt or debris. Then, cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds. You should end up with about 4 cups of cleaned fruit.

2. Cook the Fruit

Place the cleaned fruit in a large pot and add the water. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat, then reduce the heat and let it simmer for about 30 minutes. This will soften the fruit and extract the juice. Once the fruit is soft, use a potato masher to mash it up a bit, releasing even more juice.

3. Strain the Juice

After cooking, you’ll need to strain the juice from the pulp. Use a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth to do this. Place the strainer over a large bowl and pour the fruit mixture through it, pressing down on the pulp to extract as much juice as possible. You should end up with about 4 cups of juice.

4. Prepare the Jelly Mixture

Return the juice to the pot and add the lemon juice and powdered pectin. Stir to combine, then bring the mixture to a boil over high heat. Once it’s boiling, add the sugar all at once, stirring constantly to dissolve it. Bring the mixture back to a rolling boil and cook for 1-2 minutes, continuing to stir.

5. Test for Doneness

To test if the jelly is ready, use the spoon test. Dip a cold metal spoon into the boiling jelly and lift it out. Let the jelly drip off the spoon; if it forms a sheet rather than individual droplets, it’s ready. You can also use a candy thermometer; the jelly should reach 220°F (104°C).

6. Jar the Jelly

Once the jelly is ready, remove it from the heat and skim off any foam from the surface. Carefully ladle the hot jelly into sterilized jars, leaving about 1/4 inch of headspace at the top. Wipe the rims of the jars with a clean, damp cloth, then place the lids on top and screw on the bands until they are fingertip-tight.

7. Process the Jars

To ensure your jelly is properly sealed and safe for long-term storage, process the jars in a boiling water bath. Place the jars in a canning pot with enough water to cover them by at least 1 inch. Bring the water to a boil and process the jars for 10 minutes. Remove the jars from the water and let them cool on a towel-lined countertop.

Tips for Perfect Pindo Palm Jelly

Use Fresh Fruit

For the best flavor and texture, use fresh Pindo palm fruit. If you don’t have access to fresh fruit, you can sometimes find frozen Pindo palm fruit at specialty stores or online.

Adjust the Sweetness

If you prefer a less sweet jelly, you can reduce the amount of sugar slightly. Just keep in mind that sugar helps the jelly set, so don’t reduce it too much.

Add Flavor

For a twist, try adding other flavors to your jelly. A bit of ginger, vanilla, or even a splash of rum can add a unique touch to the finished product.

Variations to Try

Spiced Pindo Palm Jelly

Add a warm, spicy note to your jelly by including a few cinnamon sticks, cloves, or allspice berries in the cooking process. Remove the spices before straining the juice.

Citrus Pindo Palm Jelly

Enhance the tartness by adding the zest and juice of an orange or a lime to the mixture. This variation pairs wonderfully with breakfast foods like toast or pancakes.

Pindo Palm and Pineapple Jelly

Mix things up by combining Pindo palm fruit with fresh pineapple. The tropical flavors meld beautifully, creating a deliciously unique jelly.

Serving Suggestions

Pindo palm jelly is incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Here are some ideas to get you started:

On Toast

Spread Pindo palm jelly on toast or bagels for a tropical twist on your morning routine. The sweet and tart flavors are a perfect match for buttery bread.

In Yogurt

Stir a spoonful of jelly into plain or vanilla yogurt for a burst of flavor. It’s a simple way to elevate your breakfast or snack.

As a Glaze

Use Pindo palm jelly as a glaze for meats like ham, chicken, or pork. Simply brush the jelly onto the meat during the last few minutes of cooking for a deliciously sticky finish.

In Desserts

Incorporate Pindo palm jelly into your favorite dessert recipes. It can be used as a filling for cakes and pastries, or as a topping for cheesecake and ice cream.

With Cheese

Serve Pindo palm jelly alongside a selection of cheeses. Its sweet and tangy flavor pairs wonderfully with both mild and strong cheeses, making it a great addition to a cheese platter.


Making Pindo palm jelly at home is a delightful and rewarding experience. Not only do you get to enjoy the unique flavors of the Pindo palm fruit, but you also get the satisfaction of creating something delicious from scratch. Whether you’re spreading it on toast, adding it to yogurt, or using it as a glaze, Pindo palm jelly is sure to bring a taste of the tropics to your table. Give this recipe a try and discover the sweet and tangy goodness of Pindo palm jelly for yourself.

For more ideas, recipes, and cooking tips and tricks, please visit us at Carista Rose.

FAQs About Pindo Palm Jelly Recipe

Can I use frozen Pindo palm fruit?

Yes, you can use frozen Pindo palm fruit if fresh fruit is not available. Thaw the fruit completely before proceeding with the recipe.

How long does Pindo palm jelly last?

When properly processed and sealed, Pindo palm jelly can last up to a year when stored in a cool, dark place. Once opened, refrigerate the jelly and consume within a few weeks.

Can I make Pindo palm jelly without pectin?

Yes, you can make Pindo palm jelly without added pectin, but it may not set as firmly. Pindo palm fruit has natural pectin, so you can try cooking it longer to help it thicken.

What can I do if my jelly doesn’t set?

If your jelly doesn’t set, you can reprocess it. Return the jelly to the pot, bring it to a boil, and add a little more pectin. Cook for another minute or two, then re-jar and process as before.

Can I reduce the sugar in the recipe?

You can reduce the sugar, but keep in mind that it helps the jelly set and preserves the fruit. Experiment with small batches to find the right balance for your taste.