1: 1. Sip ice-cold water 2. Hold your breath 3. Swallow a teaspoon of sugar

2: 4. Drink water through a paper towel 5. Rub the back of your neck 6. Swallow a teaspoon of vinegar

3: 7. Pull your knees to your chest 8. Breathe into a paper bag 9. Eat a spoonful of peanut butter

4: 10. Press down on your diaphragm 11. Eat a slice of lemon 12. Distract yourself with a sudden scare

5: 13. Gargle with cold water 14. Apply pressure to your palm 15. Sip on ginger tea

6: 16. Chew on a slice of ginger 17. Sniff some salt 18. Massage your earlobes

7: 19. Do a handstand 20. Sip on a glass of cold milk 21. Visualize stopping the hiccups

8: 22. Eat a spoonful of honey 23. Gargle with warm water and salt 24. Have a spoonful of mustard

9: 25. Count slowly to ten 26. Hum a song 27. Breathe in and out slowly


Genius ways to stop hiccups in second